Friday, June 18, 2010

What is the stereotypical ''hot'' in your opinion?

I think ''hot'' would be one of those girls who wears a lot of make up, jewelry, tighter clothes....really expensive, always has her hair and long nails and fancy **** like that. sort of like this: or

Im the opposite of this. I dont wear much makeup, rarely wear jewelry or do fancy **** with my hair. I dont wear nailpolish or no **** like that. Is there anything wrnog with that? does that make me unattractive? Do guys only like fancy shmancy girls? Whats wrong with society?

What is the stereotypical ''hot'' in your opinion?

i used to feel the same way about this. i have a good friend who's a size zero, has long blond hair, is tan, with big boobs and guys constantly lose their mind over her.

then i realized that all it really takes to be "hot" is confidence. seriously if you have confidence in yourself and believe that you are "hot," then you are. if you feel like you want to wear makeup or do something with your hair, do it, but if you're comfortable being the way you are, just be confident about that.

if you carry yourself well, people will notice and be more attracted to you even if you don't have that certain stereotypical look.

What is the stereotypical ''hot'' in your opinion?

I think it depends on the girl and the guy, I mean some girls look very hot without makeup while others........look as if they have been just resucitated from the dead. Some girls look hot with make up on and others look like clowns. It also depends on what a person likes, like I would say more natural looking girls to me are hotter than girls with 50 lbs of make up on their face.

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